Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Birthday

Thursday was my birthday. It was such a great day. I started it out by going to the gym. Then Melissa took me out for a nice lunch on S. Congress. She gave me some lovely little presents including a ring, a coffee card, a vintage santa for my tree and flowers. What a thoughtful friend! On the way home I stopped into Phlox and looked at all their great stuff. I had calls from mom, dad, all my siblings and two of my aunts. I had emails from quite a few friends. It is the first time I can remember so many people thinking of my birthday. Made me feel pretty special. The night James and Forest took me out for a movie at Alamo Draft House. Such a fun day. The best thing is that I felt really great all day thinking about turning another year and thinking about all the things I would like to do in the next year. I also thought about everything that has brought me to this point. I feel very happy with my life as it is at this moment. That is a good feeling on your 34th birthday.

Wednesday night we went to my mother-in-law's house to watch the Rosebowl with her. It was a very exciting game with a nail-biter of an ending. The best kind of game to watch. On the way home, James said people would be driving down the drag honking their horns. I wanted to see the UT Tower all lit up so I asked him to drive that way. Oh my! It was a madhouse! People were honking all over the place and flashing the horns sign out the window. The honking started all the way up at 35th Street. People were running down the street screaming and high-fiving everyone in cars. It was a fun thing to witness.

Friday was back to the normal stuff. I cleaned house all day and meant to work on the biz in the late afternoon but ended up on my back. I have a strained muscle that really starts hurting in the afternoon. I am kind of worried about it as it has been going on for four days now. I hope it gets better soon. It is going to seriously conflict with my ability to get any real work done. Friday night I went to a potluck at my friend, Emily's house. It was a lot of fun.

Today was Saturday. All my crafty friends gathered here today for a craft meet-up. It was so nice to look around my table and see everyone together. I really enjoyed seeing them all and hearing about everyone's resolutions and projects.

Tonight I was, once again, on my back. I resigned myself to watching a move, Love Actually, which was kind of cute. Though, there are a few scenes that feel super contrived, there are also some very touching and real moments in the movie.

I would really like to get started back to working on the biz. I have so many things I would like to do. I have been making some sketches of things I would like to make. However, I also have some kind of block! Something is keeping me from diving back in. Maybe it is too many ideas. I am considering so many directions right now and sometimes that just leaves me not knowing where to start. I have to just try to be patient with myself. I will totally totally get there.


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