Getting caught up and Forest's Books
Oh my goodness. I have been catching my shit up this week! While I was having so much fun last week stuff was piling up here. Today I spent the entire day going through mail from the last month. Please tell me other people do this too. There is just so much junk mail, that I can't deal with it on a daily basis so I just let it pile up in the big red bucket. It's always a nice feeling when it's done and your bills are paid!
I updated the website, did some marketing work and cleaned a little more around the studio. Scrubbed the shower (the most dreaded job), cleaned the house. I also worked a little more on organizing my workspace for the move. Also had Emily over for more photos. Contacted another customer who will be modeling for me in the future.
I did a huge brainstorming session over the weekend and wrote a lot of notes. I made myself some pretty cool lists regarding my business. I am trying out a sort of weekly business to do list. Will keep you posted.
Today started off pretty tough. Zaphod got sick and pooped all over the carpet in James' office, the one that I am moving into. He was sick all day so we may need to take him to the doctor tomorrow, poor thing!

The mess was pretty gross! We ended up cutting out the squares of carpet and just throwing them out. One good think about cutting them out is that I got to check out the floor below. The concrete looks pretty good. I was planning on ripping out the carpet anyway and putting down a clear coat. James thinks we may still have some stain but I really don't want to go to that much trouble! I just want to slap up a new coat of paint, do the floor and move in. I just don't feel like I want to take a lot of extra time because it will be distracting from my biz list!
I have to weigh in with the trainer tomorrow and I dread it because I am just at 193. Finally back down to what I was at the end of February. But, I guess that is good since it is only the midway point through the month. It means I am halfway to my goal of 190 by the end of April. I just convinced myself it is okay.
Sunday night I went to Hatha Flow with Sarah. It was such a great class! It feels so good to be challenged. I can definitely feel my body getting stronger. I was pretty sore the next day too. Man, if you would have told me a year ago I would enjoy getting sweaty and athletic so much I would not have believed you. After yoga Sarah and I went for coffee and had a really nice chat. She is so cool.
Tonight while James cleaned his office out I went through Forest's old books. It is kind of hard to let some of them go. When he was little I was so interested in influencing his mind with really cool art. Some of the illustrated books we got him were so neat! We also got him cool learning books about tools, bugs, history, knights, etc. Oh! And the cute little Maurice Sendack books and Shell Silverstein (keeping those). I also kept some of the older vintage ones for collage. I kept a couple for sentimental reasons and the rest are going! I am giving them away so other kids can enjoy them. I just have really great memories of reading to Forest every night at least until he was old enough to read them to me.
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