recycling computers & funny kid

Yesterday we loaded up all the stray computers James has taken in and took them to Whole Foods because a company called EWS (E-waste Solutions) was there recycling old electronics. It took three carloads! He had the shed in the back yard full of them. Yay, these computers won't go in the landfill and contaminate ground water! The guy there told us that one cell phone can contaminate 40,000 gallons of drinking water. Crazy!
Then we went to Curra's for margaritas and mole enchiladas. Yum. Our drunken conversation(on my end at least - man you can't eat like a bird all day and then expect not to get drunk from one margarita on an empty stomach!) produced the idea that I should consider going back to school to get a graduate degree in design. Okay, I am considering it in the back of my mind. Far far back. School is not far enough in the past for me to be okay with going back yet. It was hard for me!
Then I organized my work desk. I am taking a picture for posterity because it will be a huge mess within a week. Bet me.
I got my issue of Bust and my ad looks great even if this picture does not! I am so excited!! Melissa did such a good job!
In conclusion, my kid is funny. Look what he made on his computer. Where does he get his fantastic sense of humor?
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I saw your ad (actually it was the second thing I looked for after looking to see whose stuff was featured). I meant to say something about it!
That should be Forest's album cover - ha!
Oh, and Chloe's best friend's mom was telling me about the place that recycles Dell's computers (this is her area). It's a place that grinds them up in a big machine and filters the bits, and a lot of it goes into things like asphalt (or other road-building material). Exciting!
I had to go back and edit my spellin'!
I just picked up Bust this weekend and your ad looks great!
wow what did the removed post say?????
I am glad you are pleased with the ad :)
yay for the computer recycling - i need to check into that for my microwave. you know i sure hope area thrift stores do the same - i always see so much of that stuff and wonder what happens to it all in the end.
The removed post was mine. It said the same thing as the one I posted, only it had spelling errors I couldn't just leave alone!
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