Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Teeth are really gross that close up

I am slowly going through my house and cleaning out clutter. Last night I cleaned out my pantry. I had decided to move the silver shelf into my office for bead storage so I had to clean everything off that shelf. That meant I had to find a place for it. I started going through my pantry and realized that I wasn't using half of what was in there. There were whole shelves that I never even search anymore because I know it's all stuff I don't need. It felt so great to get rid of it. I have a growing pile of stuff that I either need to sell in a garage sale (my last one wasn't worth the effort) or just drive over to goodwill. I would try to freecycle it but people are just so flaky when they say they want something. I am thinking, better to just be rid of it in one action. I still need to do the bathroom cabinet and the linen closet. I have already done my closet and half of my laundry room. Organization is not something that comes easy to me. I have too much of a tendancy to keep things that other people are throwing out, thinking I may have a use for it someday. It's hard to let go sometimes!

Yesterday I had lunch with my friend Liz. We sat outside at the Uppercrust Bakery and enjoyed the sunny weather and I drank too many iced teas! It was glorious.

Today Forest may be reading a letter in front of the Texas Senate about his school. I guess they have a lot of absences at his school and because it is a publicly funded charter school, that puts it in danger of being closed. It is quite sad considering it is the last chance for some kids to graduate from high school. Anyway, they asked the kids to write a letter in English class stating why the school is so important to them and they picked the best letters to be read at the capitol. It's very exciting! Forest borrowed a button up shirt and dress shoes from James for the occassion. He looked quite handsome when I dropped him off this morning.

I have a dentist appt today to get fillings. I have deep ridges in my teeth and they are just going to fill them in with white bonding to keep me from getting cavities. First they have to drill out all the black stuff that is in the ridges. Oh joy. The last time I was there, they took pictures of my teeth close up and gave it to me. Teeth are really gross that close up.


At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so with you on the organizational tip. I'm taking my move to a smaller place as opportunity to purge myself of as much as possible. It feels great -- really liberating.


At 8:11 AM, Blogger Dewdrop Falling said...

I agree! I have be honest with myself about whether I will actually ever use these things. Like the bamboo steamer, sure the salmon I made in it three years ago was really good but how often am I gonna do that???? Good luck with your organization!


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