My son did such a great job in the school play. I found him to be pretty real as his character and I got chills during his dramatic monologue. So exciting to see him up on stage! On Friday night he said his friends were going to Kerby so we went over there with my parents and he sat with his friends. It is fun to watch him hang out with his friends and be a teenager. I remember how fun that was when I was his age. All the kids who were in the play seem really nice. The play was good too. It was about farmers in the 80's losing their farms. It was pretty sad. He played a 15 year old rancher's son. Anyway, we were proud parents. As a gift after the first performance we got him a copy of Rebel Without A Cause because James thought he should have a movie with a method actor like James Dean. Forest thought that was pretty cool. We also threw in some chocolate and he liked that too.
My show on Saturday was pretty awful. I have a big show coming up on Thursday of this week so hopefully that will go better.
We had fun with my parents and my brother. Saturday night we ate dinner at Hills cafe and afterward we made margaritas at the house and played dominoes (42) until late, laughing the whole time. James and I beat my parents! We listened to Leadbelly and Bo Diddly - perfect music for 42!
Today I taught a beading class and then we went to Curra's for dinner.
James cleaned all the broken glass out of my car while I was gone on Saturday. We are getting the window replaced this week! I put if off a really long time because we were considering getting a new car. We finally decided it would be more awesome to use that car payment money to pay down some of our credit card debt and to fix up the house. I like the idea of driving my car into the ground and saving the money for other stuff. We are kind of bummed not to get a new car though. We really want a hybrid! Once again, being responsible is hard!!
Oh and by the way the nurse at the school was so nice about the shots and said she was going to print up a full record for me so that I wouldn't have to go through this stuff every year. Yay!
Finally, James is totally doing an awesome job on the chore schedule. He is really on top of it. Kind of making me look bad! :)