Friday, May 04, 2007

Yard & Website

This rain is making everything in my yard so green. I am pretty sure that I planted cherry tomatoes because of the way they are growing on the vine. Hope the squirrels don't get them. I am a little worried about this webby stuff that appeared on the grass this morning. I might have to treat it - hopefully there is a natural product for it. From my little search on the internet, it might be some sort of fungus. Oh no! One of the website I looked at recommended not watering at night. That's not good. It's not ecologically sound to water during the day, not to mention that the city doesn't want you to. I will just have to study the issue more.

Man, I have had my head buried in my website all week spending every spare minute on it! I finished the shopping cart conversion last night. It's so exciting! There is a search feature, there next and previous buttons so you can just flip through all my products. I will be able to add things quickly. I am kind of excited to add the next round of new products. I am sure that will wear off soon enough! It is so empowering to figure out all the technical stuff. I actually found the add on modules, installed them and figured out how they worked all by myself. James came in a few times and helped me figure out some html issues. I am so lucky to have such a smart husband. He really gets how computers work!

I got a big order of supplies in yesterday including my new torch. I am excited to actually be able to solder in my studio soon!


At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Break off a bit of the grass and take it to Natural gardner; they can tell you what it is and how to treat it without a bunch of chemicals. They totally saved a couple of my trees that way.



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