Old Symbols

These two necklaces are made from old symbols. The Pegasus is from the Mobil Oil logo. I remember our family friends having an old Mobil sign in their backyard. As a 5 year old, I thought it was so neat.
The other is an old Girl Scout Brownie pin. I am not sure what Brownie pins look like now. They may be the same. I am sure a quick internet search would tell me. I found this one at a flea market. I have no idea what happened to mine. Finding this brought back nice memories of being in the Girl Scouts when I was a kid. I remember going to Girl Scout camp. One night we all pulled our cots outside to sleep under the stars. In the middle of the night our counselors woke us up to see that there were fairies dancing around our campfire. It was magical! I am sure it was the older campers but it is a really special memory for me.
Labels: jewelry
Those are cool!
I was a Brownie and a Junior. I still have my old pins--they're somewhere at my parents' house with the rest of my childhood stash.
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