6th Anniversary!

On Friday James and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. Time goes by fast! We went out for dinner at Carmelo's downtown. The food was yum! Afterward we walked around and checked out the SXSW crowd. We wandered through the lobby of the new Hilton, found a baby grand piano on the second floor and James played some songs. It was a nice evening. On Saturday we went down to S. Congress to see all the happenings. Had pizza at Homeslice and went to see a movie, 300, which was pretty good. Then came home and watched Peter Pan. That was a good palate cleanser after all the blood and gore of 300. ha ha. It was nice. I took an entire day off and really enjoyed it. No better way to celebrate an anniversary. The picture above is from our wedding day, in Greece. What a lovely day that was!
My book is getting presented on Monday so I will know in the next day or so if they decide to make an offer on it. I am still feeling like I can go either way on it. If it happens, it could be really exciting, a fun project, and if it doesn't, well, I can put that same energy into something else.
When I went to the dermatologist last week to get that thing removed, I also got him to give me a prescription for some stuff for my face. I am using some type of wash and retin A. At first it was seriously drying out my skin, like it really was painful but I think my face is settling down now. My skin seems like it is already getting better. Yay!
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