Saturday, August 19, 2006

lucky to have an opportunity

It has been such a good week for me. I have been feeling really confident and together. Yeah, that's a rare feeling for me! I am usually freaking out about something. But it's nice to have a good week - where you just feel like you accomplished everything you wanted. I got my press release out and put the bracelets up on the site, my orders picked up, I kept the household going fairly steadily, I got back to the gym and I didn't sleep late too much! Also, it looks like the home school thing is going to be awesome. He basically does everything online! They have a very organized system. We also have a lead on a theatre class for him for one of his electives and I am going to take him to the gym with me for p.e. which will be his other elective. We found out about a cool alternative school in East Austin that we are going to start researching for next year.

I have been thinking a lot about the word housewife. I have been using it to describe myself and I am not sure if I should anymore. Yeah, I just need to re-think it. Seriously, my thoughts on this are deeper than what I am indicating while I am sitting here typing! Like the other night I was at a party and when asked what I do I listed, among other things that I "take care of the household stuff" and it just sounded so much better in my head. I think when I label myself "housewife" it comes with all these negative connotations and self-expectations that I should just really be on top of the housework when I am really not! My attempt at "owning" the word failed! I mean, I definitely find value in my part of our partnership but I struggle with ideas about losing ground in the career world and losing autonomy. On the other hand, I think I am so lucky to have an opportunity to pursue jewelry as a business. Anyway!

Monday a man starts cutting down the trees in our backyard. We are clearing out the bad trees and planting good ones, installing grass. It's going to be a very long process as we will be having to save up for certain parts of it and doing as much of the labor ourselves as possible!

Having a few friends over tonight to hang out and play games. I am very much looking forward to it!

Friday, August 18, 2006

A good movie to see...

Conversations with other Women, a movie that my brother-in-law worked on, is finally out in theatres! If you live in New York, San Francisco or L.A., go see it! I think it comes out in Chicago and Seattle later on this month.

It is such a great movie. It stars Helena Bonham Carter and Aaron Eckhart and the movie is done in split screen. It is really interesting to watch how they pull it off.

Here is a link to more info: Check it out!

Look at the reviews it's gotten:

“One of the best films of the festival” - Roger Ebert at the Telluride Film Festival

“Volatile and unpredictable” – NY Times

“Sad and funny” – LA Times

“Smart…sexy” – San Francisco Chronicle

“It’s Brilliant” – New York Post

“Funny…wise…” – Village Voice

“I found the film powerfully erotic…” -

“Fine acting and sexy chemistry” – TV Guide

"Sly...Sexy!" – Vogue

“If you have ever been in love… see this film. In fact, see it twice. The acting by Helena Bonham Carter and Aaron Eckhart is flawless.” - Katherine Leis,

“Conversations is a smart, sassy, sexy, brilliantly written and observed film, a wise, sharp and all too honest look at modern relationships, featuring two, raw, wonderful performances by the great Aaron Eckhart and Helena Bonham Carter. This is one of the most undiscovered treats of the summer.” - Paul Fischer, Dark Horizons

“Innovative” - Compuserve

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I have a new haircut and fantastic friends.

I finally did it! I got my long hair cut. I was going to wait until I was at my goal weight but damn, it is so hot in the summer! Also, the woman who does the long shag haircut really well has quit working to start a family so that seemed like a sign. From 7th grade until a few years ago I have always had a bob-style haircut so I am basically returning to my roots. So, here are the pics, I did a before and several after. Of course, this is salon hair - the real test will be what it looks like after I wash out all the fancy product!

My awesome new hairstylist is Danny at Anne Kelso Salon. I love him.

I am donating my hair to Wigs for Kids,

Also, I am just overwhelmed at what wonderful friends I have. I sent out my press release to a few friends for review and suggestions and I have gotten so much amazing advice and support back. Thanks you guys!!

Now I better get back to work on it.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I heart productivity

Wow, I am feeling really on top of my game this week. I have been accomplishing so much! Hopefully it lasts! I have also been having some serious fun lately. Friday night Sarah and Shea came over and we had fun playing Dictionary with them. Sarah writes very good fake definitions! We totally relaxed this weekend and Monday night we went out for sushi with friends. Last night my friend Amy came over and after a few glasses of wine we went over to a local Italian dive to have a quiet dinner only to find that the place was rockin with someone's birthday party. We had a drink there and took in the scene and then went to a Thai dive for some yummy curry and Pad Thai. I realized that we have some great little restaurants in my area! DK, Gino's, Sawadee and Bakehouse. It's pretty cool to have so many great little places like that in the local area. That's not even counting all the great Mexican food restaurants we have around here. I love it. South Austin has got it going on!

In other news, we are working on a new budget for the household to strip everything down to the bare essentials and pay off all of our debt. Our goal is to find free entertainment and host potlucks and game nights and watch all movies on dvd through netflix until we are debt free. We have that quicken software on which you can download your stuff from the bank and categorize it and it is amazing to see how much money we blow on entertainment and dining and paying off old debt. We could be going on fabulous trips if we'd planned better! Man, debt is like the curse of our generation or something. My mom told me that when she and my dad were in their early twenties they couldn't even get a Texaco gas credit card - and they owned a Texaco gas station at the time. It was hard to get a credit card back then. With our generation, they were practically giving away credit cards. And, I have to say, James and I began adulthood with virtually no knowledge about money and budgeting so this is totally a new thing for me to learn. Hence our new goal. I'll keep you posted. I am totally excited to learn new stuff.

In work related stuff - I am working on finishing up the charm bracelet project and the marketing for it. I have written a press release but I am totally unsure about it. I plan to get a few friends to look at it and give me feedback. I want to get it out soon.

I learned a new word from the youth yesterday - it's "steez" which means style as in "he's got steez." I learned it from my kid.