Wow. My trainer worked me so hard yesterday. My ass hurts today! But, it's weird, I woke up with so much energy today. Last night I came in from exercise, showered and put my pj's on immediately. It was 7 o'clock! I was just so tired afterward. I made a stirfry for dinner and then we went to bed early to watch Project Runway and Ghandi. Interesting mix, eh? I am amazed at how great I feel today from the exercise.
Yesterday I was watching the good morning america and they were doing a story on the whole stay-at-home-mom vs. working mom. It kind of frustrates me because I feel the middle ground is so not represented in that argument. Where is the "email from a viewer" saying that "thank goodness women can make that choice now?" I kind of feel it was a hard won battle. It really irritates me when people take either side as if anyone could say what is right for them is right for all women. The core of feminism is that women have equal rights, among them, the right to choose whether to stay at home or work. The self righteousness bugs me. Also, there are so many women who have to work to support their families. I guess I err more on the side of working mothers because I understand the need to fulfill yourself and feel challenged and viable. However, I would never say that I think all women should work. I totally get that some women are really fulfilled by raising their children. I don't know - I am not exactly eloquent on these matters which is why I don't often write about political stuff. But, I just wanted it out there for the record that I feel it important to respect the choices that other people make for their lives. And I'm a freakin' housewife! ha.
The balance thing has worked out pretty well this week. I have gotten a lot of housework and business stuff done this week. Forest talked me into setting up a page on MySpace to try to get people to come to my website. He really had to help me a lot! I wouldn't have been able to figure out all that stuff if he hadn't been here. Kids are so smart about technical stuff these days! He sent a bulletin out to all his friends to add me. Isn't that sweet? What a great kid I have. Speaking of him, he has been sick with the cold, poor thing. I let him stay home from school yesterday to rest and take nyquil. I think he is feeling better today.
Had lunch with Victoria on Wednesday. It was fun to catch up. We walked around S. Congress and had lunch at Magnolia. I love her new t-shirts!