The toad on my porch

I figured out today that this little toad is living in my plants on my front porch. I thought that squirrels were digging holes in the planters. There is always dirt all over the place and I am constantly cursing the squirrels for digging up my plants. Now that I know what's up, I won't be mad at the squirrels anymore. Yesterday I watched him eat some bugs as we was hiding down in the flower beds. One of them looked like a roach so that made me happy.
I am sorry I haven't posted much in the last two weeks - not that I think I have legions of readers but I know I like to check my friend's blogs and am sad when they don't write for a long time! Lots of cool stuff has happened but also I am just feeling so unable to accomplish what I want to do. I am always struggling with the time management issue. I am practicing with the focus thing, something I figured out I learned from training. When I am working a muscle and it gets tired and another muscle starts to compensate, my trainer tells me to try to re-focus and I realized the other day that I am starting to do that in real life. Another thing I have been trying to do is let what is most important bubble to the top of my brain and just work on stuff that is pertinant. Unfortunately, I am feeling a little frustrated in most areas right now. I am not one of those super-women who can do 18 different things. My mind is so one-track!
Anyway... I did get about 20 line sheets mailed out to stores week before last and last week on Tuesday, Vic and I drove to San Antonio and went around to stores looking for places to sell our stuff. I overcame a huge barrier in talking to store owners. I was really nervous about it. My stomach hurt, my hands were sweaty, I couldn't breathe as I waited at the first store to talk to the owner. He was so nice! It really put me at ease for the rest of the stores. I am glad to have done it. Vic told me when we were planning it, "don't worry, it's a good experience." She was so right! Hopefully someday I will have my stuff in a store in San Antonio!
Jewelry class is really eating up my time right now. 10 hours per week! It's going well though and helping me to think more about making metal jewelry, as I hoped it would. You know what's going to be so cool? When I don't have to go out looking for beads and vintage baubles to make my jewelry, I can just order some silver sheet and wire. That's going to be nice.
I love how the Paramount does all the cool movies in the summer. We saw the Dog Day Afternoon / Serpico double feature on Sunday night. We double dated with Forest and his girlfriend, Margot. Afterward we had knishes at Katz's. Yum.
Alright I am tired from an entire day of playing housewife catch-up.
PS: I got my bookcase painted!