Backyard Progress, etc.

The backyard is so sparse. The trees have all been cut. Bamboo and Crepe Myrtle are being considered for the back fence to block out the thrift store. We've gotten a quote for the grass install. It's all going along nicely. I am so excited that I am going to have a nice backyard. I've never had my own nice backyard though I've certainly admired other's. Plus with the nice weather lately, I am really looking forward to spending some nice time outside. I have been looking at landscaping pictures on the internet and saving ideas that appeal to me.
Business is going well. The show last night was really cool. I met a lot of great people! Including a store buyer who I am super excited about! I have also been working with a woman who is just starting to rep. It has been such a great experience so far. It is so cool to meet someone who can help me make sales. This week she is going out of town to see some store owners in another city. She is taking some of my bracelets. Fingers crossed! My sales have been pretty good lately on the website and at p&l. I seriously love selling the stuff I make.
Bodywise, I am still maintaining the 15 pounds lost. I am fairly steady with the gym and the good diet. Last night, I put on a dress I haven't been able to wear in years and it fit so well! Very exciting. I love this dress. It is a red silk, classic shape. I think it will always be fashionable! Oh, I really can't wait to get a little smaller and buy new clothes!
Today is a lazy day - finally! Things have been busy around here. I have been getting up at 7 lately and I have to say, there is so much more time in the day! I have been feeling really focused. Just trying to keep my mind on what I need to accomplish everyday. Trying to realize the importance of small gestures. It is funny how many opportunities come at you everyday in life and business. I like to try everything and hope that something works out!
We have been watching James Bond movies for the last few weeks. It's really fun to watch for the formula and running jokes. Anyway, I think we have about exhausted the entire series and I feel very well-versed in Bond. James loves those movies because he grew up in London where they were always on tv. Now I think we are going to return to the 70's thriller theme we were running before this detour. Although, last night he was coming up with a list of Bond spoof movies to watch next so we'll see. It is really neat living with an film major.