Lost Week.
ugh, it's been a tough week! I got sick last week and then I got sick again this week! I am just coming out of the fog. I feel like I have lost a week of my life! Somehow I have still managed to come up with new jewelry pieces for upcoming shows and stay on top of my list. But, I just slept for 12 hours straight. Isn't that crazy? It makes me feel kind of weird and surreal to wake up after that much sleep.
Yesterday I received a package of old jewelry I ordered from ebay. It makes me so happy! Right now I can't conceive of ever completely quitting the beading/costume part of jewelry making. The silver work is kind of on the backburner since getting into blue genie and cherrywood, (and also, possibly, a trunk show at the museum) I feel I need to concentrate on inventory. However last time I was in class I got out all the little pieces I have designed and cast and started putting them together and I just felt like maybe I figured out a way that I can work in silver. More on that later but I am super excited about it.
My house is filthy! I really need to clean, maybe if I get started it will help me come out of my tylenol pm hangover. ha!
I put my stitch swag together and I must say I am super proud of it. It's so pretty! Now I just gotta drive over to East Austin and drop it off. I am also contributing a necklace to the raffle.
I have GOT to put some kind of window covering up in my studio. I feel like I am on display at night when I work so lately I have been putting my big cardboard cutting board up against the window to block view. It's such a pain in the ass. It would be much simpler to just get some blinds. Why do I put stuff like that off? Maybe because hanging blinds is one of my least favorite things to do in this whole world??? Not very diy of me, I know. But lately, I am not even sure I am a diy'er.
Last weekend I went to a vintage jewelry show with my friend Kristin A. Most of the stuff was collectible and expensive so I only bought a few things from people's "bargain baskets" but it was so inspiring just to view the incredible designs from the past. The weekend before that I went to the Citywide Garage Sale with Liz and Sarah where I found quite a few things for charm bracelets. So, along with roundtop and ebay, I have been pulling together a lot of new supplies for designs. When we were at Citywide, Sarah found this little gem for me:

Okay, I think I better go lay back down. I feel kind of dizzy.